Hörður Torfa

Heimasíða Harðar Torfasonar

D - hópurinn innan S´78

hordursjalfur's picture

Reykjavík 2004.

Stíl framyfir stál.

hordursjalfur's picture

Stíl umfram stál.


Many people tell me...

hordursjalfur's picture

Many people tell me that they are not interested in politics. That´s strange to me since politics is about our life. Being interested in politics does not mean you have to be a member of a political party. A political party does not own politics. No more than birds own the sky.

Many people tell me...

hordursjalfur's picture

Many people tell me that they are not interested in politics. That´s strange to me since politics is about our life. Being interested in politics does not mean you have to be a member of a political party. A political party does not own politics. No more than birds own the sky.

Að gefnu tilefni.

hordursjalfur's picture


Vegna athugasemda lesenda í DV. 15 september 2013 vegna viðtals sem birtist við mig í Írska blaðinu Journal:


rigningadagur / a rainy day

hordursjalfur's picture





það er til fólk sem er sífellt að ferðast

Vajont stíflan.

hordursjalfur's picture


Vajont stíflan.

Dæmi frá fyrsta degi mínum eftir nýafstaðnar kosningar.

hordursjalfur's picture


Fréttirnar sögðu að héðan í frá þyrftu sjúklingar að greiða lyf sín mun hærra verði en áður og ef þeir ættu í erfiðleikum með það væri þeim boðin raðgreiðsla með Visa.


Examples from my first day after the elections.

hordursjalfur's picture

The news telling that really sick people will have to start pay dearly for their medicines and at the same time they are offered to pay it with visa. 


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